Category Archives: Dessert

Gluten-Free Whoopie Pies

June 26th 030

Who’s ready to make whoopie?

I shouldn’t have been allowed to watch The Newlywed Game growing up; those euphemisms were not hard for a 6 year old to figure out. Also The Match Game; you don’t have to tell me where Alice told Frank to stick his blank.

I got side-tracked. I meant to tell you a different childhood memory.

June 26th 028

My grandmother-in-law(I’m not sure if that’s a real thing but that’s basically what she was) always made the best whoopie pies for celebrations. She also made the best molasses cookies, peanut butter cookies, and soft butter taffy specially for Christmas, but let’s start with whoopie pies. Between losing her and finding out I can’t eat gluten, I haven’t had a whoopie pie in probably 6 years. That’s too long.

I tried making these last December but didn’t get the recipe right and ended up making fudge pies instead. This time the cookies held their shape and tasted as well as they photographed. While the thought of making them scared me before, it won’t ever again.

This recipe uses xanthan gum, a hyper-powerful fiber that simulates the support of gluten in baked goods. I generally try to avoid using such a specialty item but every recipe for gluten-free whoopie pies I looked up stressed this ingredient and the last time I tried making these without it the cookies fell flat. It really is an essential ingredient in this recipe.

Gluten-Free Whoopie Pies(adapted from this recipe)

For the cookies:

  • 2 1/2 cups gluten-free flour blend
  • 1/2 cup cocoa powder
  • 3/4 cup sugar
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons baking soda
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon xanthan gum
  • 1/2 cup coconut milk
  • 1/4 cup water
  • 1 egg
  • 1 egg yolk

For the filling:

  • 2 cups powdered sugar
  • 4oz butter, room temperature
  • 2 egg whites, cold
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

June 26th 011


  1. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Line baking trays with parchment paper.
  3. Sift together the flour, sugar, cocoa powder, baking soda, baking powder, salt, and xanthan gum and mix until emulsified.
  4. Add in the coconut milk, egg, egg yolk, and scant 1/4 cup of water and mix it into the dough. The dough should be heavy and stick to itself.
  5. Roll chunks of dough into 1-inch balls and put a few inches apart on the baking trays. Bake for 15 minutes until the top is firm.
  6. Remove from the oven and let cool completely before filling.
  7. In a bowl(chilled is best), beat on high the sugar, butter, egg whites, and vanilla together for 4-5 minutes until light and airy.
  8. Scoop 1/2 tablespoon onto one cookie and press another down on top.
  9. Repeat until all of the cookies are used.

June 26th 033

It’s always a good sign when all the desserts are eaten, and these are long gone. I was more interested in this cake but if whoopie pies are your cup of tea and you’re gluten-free, let this be a treat for you.

Dark Chocolate Almond Meal Cake w/ Peanut Butter Glaze

June 26th 045

Sunday we went to Maine to celebrate Father’s Day with relatives. I didn’t need any more of an excuse to start baking. I’d already had this cake recipe in my head and couldn’t wait to try it out.

The body of the cake is made with just almond flour, making it gluten and grain-free and lending a slightly nutty flavor. Because almond flour isn’t all that absorbent, the cake comes out slightly dense and fudgy. I don’t know about you, but those are two adjectives I like to describe my cakes. The cake isn’t all that sweet, though, so the glaze adds that final punch of flavor that makes it a show stopper. This cake recipe will become my standard for frosted and layer cakes.

Dark Chocolate Almond Meal Cake


  • 2 1/2 cups finely ground almond meal
  • 3/4 cup cane sugar
  • 1/2 cup cocoa powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 3oz unsweetened chocolate
  • 1/4 cup neutral oil
  • 4 eggs
  • 2 egg whites
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

June 27th 003

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees.

Sift together the almond meal, sugar, cocoa powder, salt, and baking soda. Whisk in the eggs, oil, vanilla extract, and egg whites completely.

Melt the chocolate in a microwave or over a double boiler and fold that into the cake batter until it’s completely emulsified. Pour the cake into a cake pan and bake for about 25 minutes or until the center has set. Remove from the oven and let cool.

June 26th 038

This is a great gluten-free cake on its own, but it’s not incredibly sweet nor does it have much else going for it. This cake really begs for a frosting or a glaze of some sort, and what goes better with chocolate than peanut butter?

Peanut Butter Glaze


  • 1/3 cup natural peanut butter
  • 1/2 cup powdered sugar
  • 1/3 cup maple syrup
  • Water to thin

June 26th 041

Scoop the peanut butter into a large bowl. Slowly sift in the powdered sugar, mixing it in little by little. When the sugar is completely incorporated, pour in the maple syrup and stir. Slowly incorporate water until the frosting reaches a glaze-like consistency. Pour the glaze over the cake and level out.

June 26th 048

I decorated mine with Trader Joe’s miniature peanut butter cups and cut it up into 14 slices. I couldn’t believe how well this turned out on the first try. The cake is somewhere between cakey and fudgy, which isn’t and easy balance to strike with gluten-free flours. And the peanut butter glaze doesn’t over power the rich chocolate in the cake.

June 26th 060

I’ve set a goal to only have one slice a day. So far that’s not going so well.

Make These Now

June 23rd 067

I’ll keep things short and sweet because that’s exactly what this recipe is: Short and sweet. And delicious. And addicting. And pretty fattening. But I can’t make a paragraph all those things.

I saw a recipe for something like this in the latest Food Network magazine and was dead set on making it myself. It has chocolate and fruit so it’s totally healthy and Summer appropriate. I used homemade cookies and chocolate mousse but store-bought would be great, too. However, if you do make your own chocolate mousse, adding a touch of liqueur takes this dessert over the top.

June 23rd 083

Chocolate, Raspberry, and Amaretti Parfaits

Assemble by putting raspberries at the bottom of a parfait glass and layering on top a layer of mousse, 1 1/2 cookies crushed into pieces, more raspberries, and another dollop of mousse. Garnish with whip cream if desired. Serve at room temperature.

June 23rd 079

The best bites are always the one with a taste of each flavor in them. Rumor has it stores sell vodka-infused whipped cream now; if you want to spray that on top, I wouldn’t judge.

Amaretti Biscuit Cookies + Dessert Overload?

I’ve baked more in the past few days than I had all Summer. I love baking but usually I can’t(or rather shouldn’t) eat a whole batch of sweets by myself, so as soon as I get a chance to bake for others I jump at it. Here’s a sneak peak at what’s come out of my oven lately:

June 26th 033

June 26th 048

9am is too early for cake, right? Just checking.

And last but not least:

June 23rd 052

Almond cookies. I looked all over for these one night and couldn’t find them anywhere. I threw in the towel and decided to bake them, which couldn’t have been easier. The secret to getting a crisp, biscuit-like texture to these is using regular and superfine sugar to create hard shell on the outside. And since you don’t need to whip the egg whites at all, it’s simple enough for a beginning baker to do!

Amaretti Biscuit Cookies


  • 2 cups almond flour
  • 2 egg whites
  • 1/2 cup powdered sugar
  • 1/2 cup cane sugar
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons almond extract

Preheat your oven to 300 degrees. Line a baking tray with parchment paper.

June 23rd 033

Beat together the egg whites, almond flour, both sugars and extract until the dough is unified and sticky.

Shape the dough into 1-inch balls and place them on the baking tray. Bake for 25-30 minutes until the outside is hard and golden.

June 23rd 046

Serve with a cup of tea, coffee, milk, or almond milk. Since they’re crispy cookies, they’re perfect for dunking to get them soft and crumbly. If you want to spike your milk with amaretto, I won’t judge.

Can you have such a thing as too much dessert?

4-Ingredient Chocolate Mousse With Kahlua

June 20th 040

How can you have thick and creamy chocolate mousse with just chocolate and water? It seems impossible. But as soon as I stumbled on this blog post making exactly that I had a hunch I would make it and love it. It’s a little difficult technically but completely worth the end result. Following through with all of the prep work makes the active part easier.

This is one of those recipes where you’ll want to use good chocolate. You know, the Ina-Garten-only-uses-good chocolate. Since the recipe is primarily chocolate and water, all the flavor comes from the chocolate. You certainly don’t want to make this with chocolate chips. I used Callebaut baking chocolate and it came out fine. If I were making this to really impress someone(say for a Valentine’s Day dessert) I would use Vahlrona.

Chocolate Mousse With Kahlua(a variation on this recipe)

Ingredients(Makes 3-4 servings):

  • 265 grams good quality bittersweet chocolate
  • 1 cup minus 2 Tablespoons warm water
  • 2 Tablespoons Kahlua
  • 3 Tablespoons cane sugar
  • 2 Tablespoons cocoa powder*

*I added this at the very end to help thicken the mousse up. I might have needed it because water from the ice bath slipped into the chocolate bowl. If as it’s cooled the chocolate mousse doesn’t seem thick enough, add this in. Otherwise the recipe is fine without it.

Additional notes:

  • Watch this video before starting for an actual portrayal of how the chocolate should look after each step.
  • Since the proportions are very important for this recipe, it’s best to weigh all the ingredients out on a kitchen scale before starting including the liquids.
  • Use a large plastic bowl with a wide bottom when whisking the emulsion so that the chocolate is shallow and will cool down faster.


Start by measuring out and mixing together the water, Kahlua, and sugar.

In a double-boiler or microwave safe bowl, melt the chocolate down completely.

Prepare an ice bath in a larger bowl for the chocolate and move the melted chocolate to a bowl in the center of the ice bath.


In the ice bath, whisk together the chocolate and alcohol mixture. Continue mixing softly and smoothly for 5-10 minutes as the chocolate cools to keep the mousse emulsified as it cools.

If after a while the chocolate mixture is still rather thin, add in the 2 extra tablespoons of cocoa powder and whisk them in making sure not to leave any clumps.


Once the mousse has come together, spoon it in to servings bowls. Refrigerate for an hour before serving.

June 20th 039

It’s hard to imagine something so creamy being made with only chocolate and water. This makes for an easy recipe to pull out and impress with on special occasions; I’ll definitely be committing it to memory.


Raw Mini Ganache Tortes

May 31st 073

Remember the best dessert money can buy? I can’t forget. Ever. One thing I miss horribly about Providence is being a short bus ride away from Wildflour bakery. That’s probably a good thing for my wallet and health but hard on the heart. Since I’m obsessed with their raw ganache dessert it was the first one I wanted to try and recreate. Smooth, rich chocolate that I could call healthy and make any time? How could I say no.

Raw Mini Ganache Tortes

Ingredients for the crust:

  • 1 1/4 cups cashews*
  • 3 Tablespoons cocoa powder
  • 1/4 cup maple syrup(or agave)
  • 1 Tablespoon coconut oil

Ingredients for the filling:

  • 6oz cacao butter**, melted
  • 1 cup cocoa powder
  • 1/2 cup maple syrup(or agave)
  • 2 Tablespoon coconut oil

*You can use any nuts; these are what I had on hand

**cacao butter is a specialty food product available online and in some grocery stores such as Whole Foods.

May 31st 051

For the crust, pulse the cashews in a food processor until they’re finely ground. Add in the cocoa powder, coconut oil, and maple syrup and continue to blend until it forms a dough.

Flatten about a tablespoon of dough into the bottom of regular sized muffin wells.

May 31st 055

To make the filling, gently melt the cocoa butter and coconut oil until they’re completely liquid(be careful that the cocoa butter doesn’t boil on you). Mix in the cocoa powder and maple syrup until completely smooth.

May 31st 056

Scoop about 1/4 cup of ganache over each crust. Refrigerate until the chocolate has set.

To release them, gently run a sharp knife around the edges of the well until the torte pops out. For the best texture, keep refrigerate until 20 minutes before serving.

May 31st 063

These are good. Like, really good. If I weren’t up against the best dessert money can buy they’d probably be my favorite. But I have to admit that Wildflour’s raw ganache is still the best I’ve ever had. It’s also probably cheaper to buy it than to make it with the raw ingredients since cacao butter is a pricey ingredient(although I plan on seeing if unsweetened baker’s chocolate will work in this recipe as well for a cheaper, less-raw alternative). Until I have theirs again I’ll have no problem settling with these.

May 31st 067

Puppy Chow Peanuts

I think it’s safe to say most people’s favorite part about puppy chow is the peanut butter and the chocolate. Why even bother with the rest then? This recipe features the best part about puppy chow–the sweet chocolate peanut butter coating–on top of peanuts for an extra level of nuttiness and crunch. 

Puppy Chow Peanuts

Prep time: 15 minutes

Cook time: 0 minutes


  • 4 cups unsalted peanuts
  • 1/2 cup chocolate chips
  • 1/4 cup no-stir peanut butter
  • 3/4 cup powdered sugar


  1. Melt the chocolate chips in a microwave or over a double boiler. 
  2. Stir the peanut butter into the melted chocolate to make a smooth and uniform coating.
  3. Pour in the peanuts. Move them around to coat them completely in the peanut butter and chocolate.
  4. Scoop the peanuts into a large sealable bag. Add in the powdered sugar and shake the bag until the peanuts are completely covered.
  5. Store in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 2 weeks.

If you like these, you might like almond puppy chow.

Alton Brown’s Microwave Peanut Butter Fudge

May 15th 095

This recipe is a life-changer.

I’ve long been obsessed with microwave chocolate fudge. I’ve tried making my own peanut butter fudge in the microwave in the past but the texture was never as good as the chocolate version. Finally, when I saw that Alton Brown had a recipe for microwave peanut butter fudge I knew I had to make it.

Alton Brown has to be my favorite Food Network chef, and not just for this recipe. Don’t get me wrong—I love watching Ina and Paula and Giada so that I can make fun of how ridiculous and fattening their “basic” recipes are. But Alton actually writes recipes like he knows what he’s doing, and that’s what makes him fun to cook from. 

May 15th 037

Overall I stuck to the recipe pretty well. I halved the recipe and the only change that I made was melting the butter only and stirring in the peanut butter until it melted, too.

May 15th 041

The fudge came out as an odd, doughy texture that was delicious but not really “fudgy.” I pressed it into a pan and let it sit in the refrigerator until it hardened up a bit and it came to the right consistency.

May 15th 088

I wouldn’t leave this at room temperature since it got soft pretty fast. But other than that it was perfect; the taste was very rich and very sweet.

In other words, I need someone to take the rest of this off my hands right away

Chocolate Covered Peanut Butter Filled Strawberries

Sometimes covering things in chocolate just isn’t enough.

May 8th 032

That’s when you add peanut butter.

I made these on Mother’s Day, even though I had seen my mom Saturday and wasn’t going to see her Sunday. What can I say? I’m not going for son of the year award. Since there’s nothing with chocolate that can’t be better with peanut butter, I figured these would work, and they did! And they’re just as simple to make as the original, too.

Chocolate Covered Peanut Butter Filled Strawberries


  • Strawberries
  • No-stir peanut butter
  • Chocolate

May 8th 007

Cut the strawberries in half.

Melt the chocolate in a microwave or double-boiler.

May 8th 017

Put about a teaspoon on one side of each strawberry and sandwich it lightly with the other.

May 8th 021

Gently roll the strawberry in chocolate, being sure to cover it all around about 3/4 of the way up.

Put the strawberries on a sheet of wax paper and refrigerate until the chocolate has hardened. Serve at room temperature.

May 8th 038

These are a little messy, but oh-so worth it. The peanut butter adds just enough flavor to pair well with the chocolate. This will teach fruit to ever try and be healthy again.

Almond Flour Chocolate Chip Cookies


I’ve had a lot of gluten-free baking disasters happen to me. Cookies are the worst; there’s no protein structure in most gluten-free flours to keep them from spreading. When I read this recipe I was intrigued but skeptical. There’s no way a cookie could work with just almond flour I thought. Despite having doubts the entire time, I gave this recipe a shot and I’m so glad I did. These are perfect chocolate chip cookies, with a slight buttery flavor and tons of melted chocolate chips. The texture is soft and pillowy with a little chew. I couldn’t believe these came out as good as they did! I’m definitely saving this recipe to cook again and again.

Almond Flour Chocolate Chip Cookies(adapted from this recipe)

Ingredients(Makes about 12 cookies):

  • 1 1/2 cups(6 ounces) almond flour
  • 1/4 cup butter, room temperature
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1/4 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/4 cup chocolate chips

Preheat your oven to 375.

To make the almond flour, ground 6 ounces of almonds in a food processor until it’s all been ground into a thin flour. degrees.

Cream the butter and sugar together until smooth. Mix in the egg. Next, add the almond flour, vanilla, salt, and baking soda and mix until it’s all incorporated. Fold in the chocolate chips.

Line a baking tray with parchment paper. Scoop the batter into even portions onto the parchment paper and bake for 12-15 minutes until golden brown. Let cool slightly before removing the cookies from the tray.

I had to try one straight out of the oven. And it did not disappoint. These would be great with a glass of chocolate almond milk for dipping. I would definitely double the recipe next time because 9 cookies just won’t be enough.

Added Note: The second time I made these(pictured) they spread out less so that the ones that went into the oven in a ball  shape came out rounded like a doughball whereas the ones that I fashioned into a disk came out in the more traditional cookie shape. The only difference between the two was in appearance; cooking time, taste, and texture all remained relatively the same.