Tag Archive: Running

Reviewing The Marathon Roadmap

Hello, foodies! Today I’m taking a small departure from recipes to talk about my friend Matt’s new e-book, Marathon Roadmap: The Vegetarian Guide To Conquering Your First 26.2.

Unlike most beginning marathoner’s books, this is the first to be written by a vegetarian for vegetarian. Now, I’m not vegetarian(though maybe I should coin No Wheat Athlete…), but I would say I run on plants and am signed up for the National Marathon in March so I was excited to read this when Matt asked me if I’d like to. The more I read, the more I found myself relating to Matt and his first marathon: undertrained, injury-ridden, and stubborn? Check, check, and check. Needless to say, it was helpful to hear the things Matt does differently now training for a marathon to help me run the best I can.


In this book, you will find:

  • How to pick your first marathon. This part I kind of breezed past having already picked mine but it had good advise such as not committing financially until you feel confident you’ll avoid injury along the way(Matt, where were you 6 months ago with this advice?!) and a training plan that I am considering using from here on out.
  • How to run and train. I thought I knew how to run, but now I’m not sure what I’m doing on the road or if it’s the best I can do. And I’ve never made a distinction between long runs and speed workouts. If you’re a new runner with a time goal, this will be crucial information.
  • How AND why to be a vegan or vegetarian for your first marathon. Let’s face it: If you’re buying this book this is probably the part that you’re most interested in. Even as a flexitarian, I appreciated how Matt really covered the whole topic from nutrition to recipes to meal planning and performance.
  • All about the race day. This is one thing I had yet to think about before reading and I have to say as a first time marathoner that I still feel pretty lost. It’s good to have the advice of someone who’s been around the block enough to know what they’re doing on race day and take their tips.

What I took away:

No more goal time. Matt makes a good point that running your first marathon is the goal and that obsessing over a specific pace and potentially burning yourself out is counterproductive. Come race day, I’ll be happy just to finish.

I need a tennis ball. Matt does a great job at showing how to stretch your muscles to prevent and help injuries. I’ve always heard of foam rolling but never have found one, but the amount of stretching you can do with a simple tennis ball is astounding.

There’s so much to do to prepare for race day. I never thought before how much detail and care has to be put in to the actual day of the race. It’s scary, really. At least there’s a checklist here I can print out and cross off when that time comes.

Matt’s e-Book launched yesterday and is available for a discounted price from now until next Monday, the 21st. If you want to read more about it, check out Matt’s post or go ahead and buy it.

Food For Training

Saturday I didn’t want to get out of bed in the morning, because I knew I had to at least attempt a long run even after a less-than-stellar week of running. The plan was to shoot for 14 miles and—if I made it—continue marathon training for a week, and if not accept that I should drop down to the half-marathon. Unfortunately(fortunately?), I did make it. It was long; it was hard(TWSS). But somehow I pushed my tired bones along 14 miles in 2:18:17. I can only assume that my stellar diet is to thank.

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Every time I workout, whether it’s running or going to the gym—no matter how long—, I need something sweet to get me out the door. It doesn’t matter if it’s 7am or 3pm. And I’m fine without coffee, but without sweets? Keep dreamin’. I recommend double chocolate oh baby bars.

After finishing 14 miles, I stopped and waddled(think John Wayne in a Western only painful and without the chaps) into my home, took a few swigs of water and then went for a sports drink:

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Gatorade, soda—it’s all sugar anyway so what’s the difference? Besides, this drink tells me I’m a grown-up whereas the other one only makes me worried I’m going to sweat purple, so this seemed like the better choice.

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It didn’t last long.

And then of course there’s the importance of vegetables…

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Spinach on one leg and broccoli on the other, because variety is important in your diet. I’ve also learned that small vegetables like peas and corn are good, whereas clunky ones like green beans are not. These are really just a starter until I give in and finally go to take a cold shower, which by the way are as awful as they sound and never get easier no matter how many you do.

And that’s how I would eat differently on a day that I run 14 miles. I would also eat in bed, where I would watch 27 Dresses and do some reading for 8 hours because the thought of walking anywhere is not appealing. Marathoning is the sport of masochists.

Photos From The Weekend

Today is Superbowl Sunday and to be completely honest I’d have no clue if all of my favorite food blogs weren’t posting guacamole and buffalo chicken dip recipes. I don’t regularly follow football and barely enjoy watching the Superbowl if the Patriots are in it. But please, somebody alert me any time a Betty White commercial comes on.

Instead of guacamole or dip, I’d much rather be eating these:

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I made a batch of Outrageous Triple Chocolate Brownies for a friend’s belated birthday. Obviously, I had to try one to make sure I wasn’t poisoning anyone, and then I had to move the pan out of site to make sure I didn’t try anymore. 

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Last weekend I got new running shoes. Can you tell which pair is the new one and which is the old one? I’ll give you a hint: Their the same brand and the treads should be mirror images of one another except for the color. I really like to get my money’s worth.

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Saturday morning I went out for a long run. Holly asked how marathon training was going; right now I’m taking it week-by-week meaning if I can make it through my long run then I haven’t given in yet. This run went really well in the new shoes.

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And then I ate a large bowl of Chinese food, which really isn’t the best thing after a long run I’ve learned because you’ll spend the rest of the day burping up soy sauce and garlic. I’m going to need another brownie to freshen my breath.

Superbowl: yay or nay?

The Wannabe Marathon Runner

Today’s post isn’t a recipe or about food. It’s about stubbornness ambition.

Besides cooking, my other favorite pastime would without question be singing loudly at my television during The Sing Off. Oh, and I also like running. Like, really like running. So much so that I signed up for a marathon in October.

SunTrust National Marathon

I originally had planned to run the Providence Marathon in May. But the stars just aligned for me to run the National Marathon in Washington DC. Two other Providence bloggers, Becky and Lauren, also plan to run it so we can share long training runs. It’s also 3 days before my birthday which would let me fulfill a dream of running a marathon before I’m twenty something. Everything was going so smooth.…

But, as with all things in life, there’s been a catch.

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A month ago, I started feeling pain in my shin. I tried ignoring it, hoping it would go away, and even ran twice on it. I couldn’t ignore it when it hurt to walk, so I stopped running completely but I still hobbled around the kitchen and even kept walking the 2.5 mile round trip to Whole Foods. After a few weeks, I could walk and use the elliptical machine without any pain. But a month out and I still couldn’t run.

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So I saw my doctor, who just happens to be a sports doctor, too. He looked at it for 5 minutes at most and knew exactly what I had: Medial tibial stress syndrome and peroneal tendon strain. Like everything else in medicine, its bark is worse than its bite. He told me to rest while I’m at home, ice and stretch daily. Within 2 weeks I can probably start fast walking and running soon after that.

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So what am I doing now?(yes, I know I have a slight obsession with bright orange) I’m working a way to squeeze marathon training into 8 weeks. I can hear my grandmother’s voice in the back of my head: “Your grandfather was a stubborn Pollack” and so am I. I’m determined to cross that finish line after 26.2 miles of strain and effort on March 26th. I’ll know if I have to say nay, but for right now I remain optimistic. I’m hoping their won’t be a “wannabe” in my title much longer.