Tag Archive: Holiday

Dark Chocolate Peppermint Bark

Dark Chocolate Peppermint Bark

I love minty things. Mints, candy canes, mint chocolate—any and all of it makes a perfect after-dinner treat. It’s almost as good as brushing your teeth. Well… almost…

As soon as the stores started selling candy canes I bought the ingredients to make this. It’s not hard and all yet impressive enough to give to friends and family.

Dark Chocolate Peppermint Bark Broken

This is hardly a recipe. It’s just 3 ingredients and nearly impossible to screw up(don’t burn the chocolate) but still makes a thoughtful gift. If you want to vary things up, use white chocolate instead of dark.

Dark Chocolate Peppermint Bark

Prep time: 10 minutes

Cook time: 0 minutes

Ingredients(Makes about 16 servings):

  • 10oz dark chocolate, chopped OR 1 1/4 cups bittersweet chocolate chips
  • 1/2 teaspoon peppermint extract
  • 4 candy canes, crushed

Dark Chocolate Peppermint Bark Yield


  1. Melt the chocolate in a microwave or over a double boiler.
  2. Once the chocolate is melted, mix in the peppermint extract until the chocolate is smooth.
  3. Pour the chocolate onto a sheet of wax or parchment paper. Spread it out into a thin layer.
  4. Sprinkle the crushed candy canes on top of the chocolate and press it in lightly.
  5. Refrigerate the bark for 20-30 minutes to let it harden.
  6. Break the bark into 15-20 uneven pieces. Keep refrigerated before ready to serve.

Dark Chocolate Peppermint Bark Serving

‘Tis the season.

Just Photos: 4th of July

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july 5th 017

july 5th 036

july 5th 188

july 5th 150

july 5th 194

july 5th 286

Happy Holidays

This is going to be a busy weekend. No matter what you celebrate, I hope you get the chance to enjoy some relaxation and time with family.

Here are a few photos from around my neighborhood and house that I thought I’d share. Happy holidays!















Egg-Free Peanut Butter Cookies


Well I made it 4 days into December before breaking down and making Christmas cookies. I couldn’t hold up to the pressure any longer.

The truth is I’m not the biggest cookie fan. I have my favorites(like peanut butter cookies) but on the whole would rather have something else. One cookie I love is the peanut butter cookie from Wildflour Bakery which is gluten-free and vegan. It’s so sweet and soft and falls apart in your mouth. I thought I might try to make a cookie like theirs; this isn’t nearly the same, but I like it in its own respect which is why I’m posting the recipe. It’s less sweet but much more peanut buttery; it almost tastes like eating a spoonful of peanut butter in cookie form.

This recipe can easily be made vegan by using a dairy-free butter substitute. I would not recommend subbing in coconut oil for the butter in a 1:1 ratio because they do not act the same in baking and I can’t say for how it would turn out.

Egg-Free Peanut Butter Cookies

Prep time: 30 minutes

Cook time: 16-18 minutes

Ingredients(Makes about 1 1/2 dozen cookies):

  • 1 cup no-oil added peanut butter
  • 1/4 cup butter
  • 3/4 cup maple syrup
  • 3/4 cup brown rice flour
  • 1/4 cup tapioca starch(or corn starch)



  1. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees and line a couple baking trays with parchment paper.
  2. Beat together all of the ingredients. Put the batter in the refrigerator of freezer to harden until you can handle the dough and roll it into balls.
  3. Once the dough has reached that stage, scoop the dough and roll it into balls. Place the balls about 2 inches apart on the baking trays.
  4. Bake for 16-20 minutes until the outside is golden. The cookies will still be very soft to the touch when they’re done.
  5. Remove the cookies from the oven and let them cool completely before handling. As they cool, the outside will harden up and make them less fragile.
  6. Store sealed in an airtight container at room temperature when not eating.

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Thanksgiving Cranberry Sauce Recipe

Nov 26th 076

Let’s look past the fact that Thanksgiving was now 2 weeks ago. You might want to make cranberry sauce for Christmas, or just for anytime, right? Maybe? Sure.

I wanted to make a sauce with a twist. Since my whole family is from northern New Hampshire, I tried adding some blueberries into the cranberry sauce. And a little ginger because who doesn’t like ginger? Orange juice replaces some of the sugar with a less refined sweetness to round out the flavor of the sauce.

And since I figure somebody’s going to wonder or ask: No, that’s not my plate. Yes, I am still a vegetarian. But I did carve the turkey for the second year in a row because I’m damn good at it.

Thanksgiving Cranberry Sauce

Prep time: 5 minutes

Cook time: 30 minutes

Ingredients(Makes around 6 cups):

  • 24oz fresh cranberries
  • 1 cup blueberries
  • 2 cups orange juice
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2-inch fresh ginger peeled and grated
  • 6 Tablespoons cane sugar

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  1. Combine the cranberries, blueberries, and orange juice together in a large pot.
  2. Cover the pot and bring the contents to a boil. Keep boiling until the juice evaporates.
  3. Once finished, pour the cranberries and blueberries into a food processor. Add in the salt, ginger, and cane sugar and puree until smooth.
  4. Move the sauce to a container and leave it out to cool. Once at room temperature, place the sauce in the refrigerator to until eating.

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Next time I make this I want to swap another cup of cranberries for blueberries to make the flavor more prevalent. Nobody noticed there was blueberries in the sauce; I didn’t even notice and I made it.

Cinnamon Honey Butter


This week is all about Thanksgiving recipes. In some respects that was poor planning on my part, since Thanksgiving won’t come around again for another 51 weeks; but I hope some of these recipes you’ll be able to work in and enjoy for Christmas or other times during the year, like this one.

This was so simple to make it almost didn’t feel like a recipe at all. And yet despite how easy it is, the flavor is rich and complex. You could easily make this to keep around for breakfast on toast or dinner on squash. It’s kind of addicting; before you know it you’ll be slathering this on anything.

This recipe calls for unsalted butter; I think it’s always best to keep that in stock since you can always add salt later on. If all you have is salted butter, just omit the added salt in the recipe and it will still taste great.

Cinnamon Honey Butter

Prep time: 5 minutes

Cook time: 0 minutes


  • 1/2 cup unsalted butter, room temperature
  • 6 Tablespoons honey
  • 1/4 + 1/8 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt



  1. In a small bowl, work all of the ingredients together until completely mixed together.
  2. Scoop the butter onto a piece of Saran wrap. Roll the butter into a log and place it in the refrigerator to solidify.
  3. Unwrap the butter and put it on a butter dish to serve.


When I made this, I licked the bowl I mixed it in. It was simultaneously the grossest and best part of my day. The end.

Thanksgiving 2011

Expect a lot of recipes to come next week. Until then I’ll be digesting pie and Christmas shopping for myself online. I suggest you do the same.

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Sushi & BBQ—Memorial Day

May 29th 054

Happy Memorial Day! It’s supposed to rain today but yesterday the sun was out in full blast for a great barbeque.

We spent the day with my best friend from high school and her family and friends. They’re all big readers of the blog and wondered why they hadn’t been on yet, so here you go! Thanks for the delicious food, John!

May 29th 037

After a fun game of frisbee throwing and feeding the pet ducks, it was time to make the appetizers. We were having sushi with all the fixings and everyone pitched in in the kitchen.

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Eury worked on the cucumber.

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And I flipped and cut the eggs. The secret to these sushi-filling eggs was to scramble in salt and sugar before they were cooked—never would have guessed that!

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When we were all done, there was seasoned rice, cucumber, eggs, tuna, salmon, and avocado. This was a fun way for each person to try something new, especially since most of us hadn’t made our own sushi before.

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Koko loved all of the attention she got almost as much as she loved the dropped sushi and beers.

And then there was dinner—I can’t believe I didn’t take any pictures of dinner. I think it was because I was too busy filling my plate. There was swordfish, steak, chicken, shrimp, and pork all grilled by John, a salad with greens from their garden, bean salad, and a root vegetable medley Eury and I prepped and roasted. It was all so good that no one at the kids table(didn’t you know you need to be over 25 to avoid the kids’ table? Sorry, Christian)remembered to save room for the ice cream we had just gone out and bought.

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Cheesecake, ice cream, and fruit(I just had fruit)—perfect way to end a hot Memorial Day party. 

What’s your favorite BBQ food/dessert? I’d love ideas for more Summer recipes.

Scenes From Easter Weekend

‘Tis the season…

April 24th 017April 23rd 025April 23rd 042April 23rd 046April 23rd 045April 24th 002April 24th 020

…Now let me at that discounted candy.

Gluten-Free Italian Christmas Cookies

*Have you entered the holiday giveaway yet?*

November 30th 036

I have to admit that I’m not the biggest fan of cookies. Besides being a huge challenge for a gluten-free baker, they just aren’t as interesting as cakes or as chocolaty as brownies. But come every Christmas, there’s always one cookie that has my heart: I love Italian anise cookies. Growing up Italian-American, my relatives always bought these for me fresh from an Italian bakery. I love the sharp licorice flavor with a super sweet frosting. I couldn’t imagine Christmas without them, so this year I tried to adapt the recipe to be gluten-free. After 2 batches, I came out with the perfect, sinfully good Christmas cookies.

Gluten-Free Italian Christmas Cookies

Ingredients(Makes 20 cookies):

  • 2 cups gluten-free all purpose flour
  • 3/4 cup sugar
  • 1/4 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/2 cup neutral flavored oil(not coconut oil and not butter)
  • 1 1/2 eggs, lightly beaten(see here how to measure this)
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons anise extract

*If you’re making these with regular flour, use just 1 egg

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Sift the dry ingredients together in a large bowl. Make a well in the center and pour in the oil, eggs, and extract.

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Combine the dough by mixing until it’s firm and the flour has been all absorbed. Put the dough in the refrigerator to chill 30-60 minutes.

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Preheat an oven to 350 degrees with the baking trays inside the oven to warm them up. When the oven is ready, take out the baking trays, line them with parchment paper, and roll the dough into 3/4-inch balls lining them up with enough room to spread. Bake for 10-12 minutes, until the outside starts to turn slightly brown and the center is almost set. Take them out of the oven and let them set completely before moving them to another tray.

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These taste just like the cookies from the bakery: Soft and slightly cakey yet still sugary dense. The anise flavor is strong, so you’ll want to give these to a true lover. And the icing—oh, the icing. But that’s for another day.