6 Weeks

Wednesday marked the start of 6 weeks of vacation. Relieved isn’t a strong enough word for how I felt. But I also know that I’ll get stir-crazy after 6 weeks of sitting around, especially if I don’t have a plan. So I wrote up a list of everything I want to achieve in the time. 


Obviously I’m looking forward to being home and having a full kitchen at my disposal every day. I have a laundry list of recipes I want to try out including pizzelles, mint chocolate almond butter, fruit cake, raw desserts and many more. I don’t think I’ll have to worry about what to post until at least February.


Photography’s become a new hobby of mine. Recently I picked up this lens on Amazon, which is supposed to be good for outdoor shots. I also hear I might be getting a lens from under the tree that’s good for food photography. Since I’m taking a class on photography next semester, I plan to play around with these a lot to get used to shooting with them and seeing how different lenses work(right now I just use the one that came with my camera).

Reading List


Let’s be real: I’ll probably spend most of my time watching all of Roswell on Netflix. But hopefully I’ll do some reading, too, so that my brain doesn’t turn completely to mush. These are the books I picked out that I wanted to read at times during the semester but never found the time to.


This semester wasn’t great diet-wise. When I get stressed or depressed I eat chocolate and sugary foods to cope and there was way too much of that over the past few months. I’m definitely carrying around some extra weight I don’t feel comfortable with. Being without a gym for 6 weeks doesn’t make the situation much easier, either. My plan is to eat 4 balanced meals a day, minimize snacks, sugar and desserts, and try to be active twice a day. Some people might say, “Isn’t dieting for after the holidays?” I had more than enough candy corn at Halloween and pie at Thanksgiving that I’m ready to give up the sweets and get back to healthy.

That should keep me busy if I don’t get distracted by any Bravo Top Chef marathons. That’s a pretty big “if,” though.

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11 Responses to 6 Weeks
  1. Lindsay @ Lindsay's List
    December 18, 2011 | 10:11 am

    i’m feeling the same way in the diet department. I’m almost sick of the sugar.

    • Kait
      December 20, 2011 | 3:49 pm

      You know you’re food blogger when…

  2. Averie @ Love Veggies and Yoga
    December 18, 2011 | 10:17 am

    Congrats on your new lens….they are always fun! I have bought a couple in the past few months but I never seem to take my #1 love off my camera. I always think the grass will be greener with something else but that’s just the way my brain works.

    Can’t wait to hear more about your photography class and what “they” teach and if they talk any food photography.

  3. Liz @ Tip Top Shape
    December 18, 2011 | 10:22 am

    I love break. It gives you so much time to do all the things that school and work pushed to the side.

  4. Gina @ Running to the Kitchen
    December 18, 2011 | 11:20 am

    This is when you make me wish I was still in college and had 6 weeks off. Jealous! Enjoy your vacation.

  5. The Delicate Place
    December 18, 2011 | 11:47 am

    i can definitely relate to having to be ‘go go go’ all the time! oddly enough, i find myself feeling this way every sunday (i usually can make the most of a saturday but everyone seems to slow down a tad on sun). it’s good to have a game plan, don’t worry about no gym! i don’t go to the gym either but between yoga download app, bodyrocktv & this: http://www.fitstudio.com/programs/bcx i’m in the best shape of my life! little to no equipment except for bodyweight and if all else fails just tailor a program to use what you can!

  6. lynn @ the actor's diet
    December 18, 2011 | 12:18 pm

    enjoy your vacay! may i suggest starting “breaking bad” if you haven’t already???

    • Wannabe Chef
      December 18, 2011 | 2:28 pm

      I used to watch season 1 when it was first airing but then stopped for no reason. I liked it from what I can remember. Maybe it’s time to rediscover it

  7. Amber K
    December 18, 2011 | 1:36 pm

    Can’t wait to see what new recipes you develop. Good for you for wanting to make some healthy chanes during a typical indulgent time.

  8. Katelyn @ Chef Katelyn
    December 18, 2011 | 5:34 pm

    Paradise Lost is so. good. It’s dense, and it may put your brain through a meat grinder, but it is seriously good shit.

  9. Paige @ Running Around Normal
    December 19, 2011 | 1:55 pm

    Color me jealous. I forgot how long Christmas break was!! I’m excited for a week! haha